Gateway HR commit to provide a quality service that is sustainable, and which aims to minimise the environmental impacts of our operations.

To meet our environmental commitment, we will:

• Meet and, where possible exceed all current and future environmental and regulatory requirements.

• Adopt best operational practices to reduce environmental impacts of Gateway HR’s activities and policies.

• Take action to reduce the carbon footprint of our activities.

• Minimise our use of energy and water.

• Minimise the environmental impact of all business associated travel.

• Minimise the amount of waste produced by Gateway HR and encourage greater levels of recycling throughout the business.

• Ensure that environmental issues are considered and taken into account in the procurement of goods and services.

• Encourage and develop our employees, partners and stakeholders to conduct their activities in an environmentally responsible manner.

To ensure that we meet our commitments, we undertake to periodically monitor and review our environmental performance and take corrective action where necessary.

What we do

Who we are